Thursday, June 11, 2020

Race Relations: Part I

Race Relations. I’m going there. Even if just briefly. I have to.

There has actually been people messaging my husband that the latest events aren’t really a race issue (in regards to him posting his feelings on the recent events).

“There CANNOT be a moving forward until there is an acknowledgement systemically of the problem.” - Oprah

Even I myself have tried to see “both sides of the story" in headlines of the past. Even I, whose love of my life is a Black Man and whose most precious three children are beautiful Black Human Beings (including a black son). Even I, who has been with my husband through the years when pulled over and car searched for no reason and no probable cause, who a police officer (who thankfully seemed nice enough) came to our honeymoon destination because a neighbor called about a black man entering the house. Even I have tried to placate my husband with “just do as they say and maybe we will show them black people are like them and change their views.” Even I, who knows we cannot just vacation in any community or area throughout our country without thinking it through or move to any town without thinking about the dynamics. Don’t think I don’t thank God every day that we live where we live, even though I still have to preface it with, “because “most” of our town and county is diverse and accepting.” Even I try to not think about it too much, because most people are good.

BUT These last few headlines (Ahmaud Arbery, Christian Cooper, George Floyd) there has been a camera so now you can see it and you can’t pretend that you didn’t see it. You can’t pretend there were justifications of some sort. I can’t pretend anymore either.

I have cried a lot these last weeks.

There are a lot of good people in this world. And more importantly, this country still has a lot of racial divide that needs to be recognized not justified.

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