My life has, yet again, changed so much since my last post. Not too long after that I had found out I was pregnant with my first child. Yup, I'm a mom. And he's 6 months old already! My sweet Keegan. Also our dear papa passed away in January. Life is so weird without him. I miss him.
Today I made teething biscuits. I will post later on the whole process and some pictures. I hope Keegan likes them! If not, I am sure the dogs will eat them.
Loving the whole domestic life thing but still struggling so bad with time management (and dealing with the exhaustion - I try not to blame my EB for it but one must wonder....). I haven't crafted too much lately but need to do that some more. I made these owl baskets for Kelley for Christmas with our secret santa and I make a lot of homemade baby food but that's mainly been the extent of it. I have made cake pops too. Still no real scrapbooking.

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