Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our "Vacation" Week - House and Ladies Guild updates

Jay had the first week of November off for his "vacation" week.  They assign the vacation time.  I took off Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the same week.

We had plans, big plans.  First we wanted to tackle the garage.  It's not easy to maneuver around in there.  I have some appliances in there from the move that my dad was going to take.  6 months ago.  But I cannot blame the craziness on them alone.  It is so overwhelming.

We also wanted to finish hanging stuff and putting things away in Lauryn's room, organize the laundry room, and to complete our week, make a trip to Ikea on Friday.

Well, we got partially through with the garage.  Most of the way through actually.  Unfortunately, we did not grow up in the digital age.  Most of the "stuff"left to go through are the boxes and boxes of photos and memorabilia I have from childhood, along with scrapbook supplies, and yes, still the appliances.  We also have a lot of cameras to go through to sort what to sell, keep, and give away.  They are all non-digital but were really nice in their day.

I still need to organize the laundry room but I came up with the brilliant idea to use the nice fabric baskets I had in Keegan's nursery that are now replaced by bolder brighter colors.  Hopefully I will be able to post on that soon.  As for Lauryn's room, I was able to hang everything.  By. My. Self.  That was a huge feat as I normally make my dad come over and hang stuff in trade for pizza.  I do still have a huge box in the middle of her room but overall, a lot of progress.

These pictures are in progress.  I do not have any good before pictures - it was CRAZY.  The top picture has everything pulled out in the drive-way etc. 
The bottom picture is still in progress but it shows the piles we made.  The appliances are on the left and the majority of the middle is old photos etc we have to go through.  I will probably scan a lot of them.  I also want to do old school scrapbooking for those photos (which I love but have very little time for).  I plan to do digital scrapbooks mainly for the future.  I never thought I would convert to digital scrapbooks but time and money wins out.


Lauryn's room - minus the big "L" that will go above her headboard.  It's already painted and the last thing I need to hang. The first Picture is mid-way. I painted the picture frames and printed quotes to go in them.  I put a lot of thought in to the quotes so I was excited that LJ really loved the quotes in them.  I painted the missing "L" too, it's the darker pink with the lighter pink on the sides. It will go around the white frame above the headboard.

Thursday night was our monthly Ladies Guild meeting.  It was also time to put our names in for office. I am officially the new VP of Ladies Guild come January.  I am quite excited about it.  I do believe it is where I should be and I am surrounded by such an amazing group of women.  Now to make God proud :-)

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